Tibs (Tony Ibbs)

I am currently (since January 2022) a Developer Educator at Aiven

Before that, I described myself as:

I've used Python since 1994, Ruby from 2019 to 2021, and C from 1988 to 2014, and once spent a very satisfying year embedding Java into a GIS. I've also written C++ at various times.

I have been using reStructuredText and markdown since they were invented, and am enthusiastic about Vale

I'm operating system agnostic -- I've done a significant amount of work on various Unices (including Solaris and Linux), Windows NT and others, Mac OS and VMS.

I used XEmacs for 15 years, then Vim for 15 years, and have now moved to Doom Emacs with Evil mode, but I quite like PyCharm and the Visual Studio environments as well. I've worked with FrameMaker, Tex/LaTeX, Runoff, Office and its relatives and HTML and its variants.

I've worked in various fields, starting out in Geographic Information Systems, then embedded Linux systems (Set Top Boxes) and a variety of consultancy roles, followed by backend web development as a Python programmer with Flask or Django, and as a Ruby programmer with Rails. Somehow, changing to Developer Relations seemed like a natural next step.

I enjoy learning new things, and am happy to explore new fields of endeavour.

I helped start the Cambridge Python Users Group (CamPUG) in 2007, and ran it until September 2022. In 2017 I was awarded a John Pinner Award for services to the UK Python community because of this work.

In recent years I have given several talks at conferences. They can be found on github, with links to videos where available:

I have also regularly talked at CamPUG; the slides and notes for these are also on github.

Whilst at Kynesim (2008-2014), I was administrator and principal author of several open-source projects:

A one-page summary CV is here as HTML, here as PDF, both generated from this reStructuredText file.

A more detailed CV, with employment history and other matters, is here as HTML, here as PDF, and again as the original reStructuredText.

Other formats can be produced if that would be more convenient.

References are available on request.

A longish summary of my career at Laser-Scan (1980--2003, written in 2003) is available, either as HTML or reStructuredText. This includes a summary of my standards work.





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